BISCUIT JOINER ? THAT DOESN'T SOUND MUCH LIKE CARPENTRY. Put the milk back in the refrigerator; the biscuits i'll tell you about are not the biscuits you now ! If you dont know how to assemble your furniture pieces, i want to tell you about this machine biscuit joiner or biscuit jointer (or sometimes plate joiner) is a woodworking tool used to join two pieces of wood together . A biscuit joiner uses a small circular saw blade to cut a crescent-shaped hole (called the mouth) in the opposite edges of two pieces of wood or wood composite panels. Wood biscuits are oval-shaped, compressed beech or engineered wood pieces used to join two wood elements together , the use of wood biscuits remains a popular choice for many craftsmen today. After putting on your safety gear, you can begin. The machine features a dual ergonomic grip to ensure straight drilling without the assembly leaning. Draw a guide line on the surface of the two woods, pieces, or board to be join...